
AC-8 Gyro Overall System


The AC-8 Gyro Overall System includes three sensors, a RGB camera, a thermal imaging camera and a hyperspectral sensor. The entire system is modifiable according to customer requirements. The system is developed for the gyrocopters Cavalon.

Technical Specifications
  • vibration-damped system and sensor platform to install all components in the gyrocopter
  • battery pack for a system test on the ground without running the engine
  • power supply and distribution unit to connect all systems to the board power
  • computer with i7 processor to control the remote sensing sensors
  • monitors to control and monitor the systems
  • AC-8-Cam, 36 MP aerial camera
  • installation option for the Riegl scanner Q560, Q680 and Q780
  • mounting option for IMU
  • easy and fast installation (approx. 1 hour to 2 hours, depending on the sensors needed)

Post Details




10. March 2016


Carolin Ulrich